School Facilities

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​St Benedict's Catholic Primary school provides modern interconnected learning spaces to maximise opportunities for integration, project-based work and an inquiry model of learning. These spaces allow flexibility and incorporate opportunities for indoor/outdoor learning. ​


Our Resource Centre​

S​​​t Benedict’s Resource Centre has a varied selection of recreational reading material and resources designed to suit children’s interests and to encourage an appreciation of literature and reading. Class borrowing time provides children with a regular opportunity to select and borrow resources for their own interest and enjoyment. 

Children are encouraged to make their own selections and once able to read, are taught to use selection strategies e.g. Five Finger Rule to help them choose books that they are able to read independently. However, as we wish to foster an interest and love of reading, children may borrow for the simple pleasure of leafing through a favourite book. Thus, children may borrow books that they can read by themselves or read with assistance; books for looking at or books they may like read to them.​

​​Our Tuckshop​

O​ur St Benedict's School Tuckshop is open Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (1st and 2nd breaks), This is a fantastic atmosphere for parents to volunteer their time and meet other ​friends of the community. To view a sample of our current Cafe Menu simply click on the link below: