Patron, Emblem & Motto

​​​​​​Our Patron51870933759_467decbffc_c.jpg

Our patron, St Benedict, was also known as Benedict of Nursia; Founder of Western Monasticism.

St Benedict was born c. 480, in Nursia, Umbria, Italy of Roman nobility. His nam​e means 'blessed'. He is the twin brother of Saint Scholastica. He studied in Rome but was dismayed by the lack of discipline and the lackadaisical attitude of his fellow students. 

Image of St. Benedict by Let Ideas Compete is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0. To view the terms, visit

St Benedict​ fled to the mountains near Subiaco, living as a hermit in a cave for three years. His virtues caused an abbey to request him to lead them. He founded the monastery at Monte Cassino, where he wrote the Rule of his order. His discipline was such that an attempt was made on his life; some monks tried to poi​son him, but he blessed the cup and rendered it harmless. He returned to his cave, but continued to attract followers, and eventually established twelve monasteries. At one point there were over 40,000 monasteries guided by the Benedictine Rule. A summation of the Rule: "Pray and work".​

​St Benedict died 21 March 547 of a fever while in prayer at Monte Cassino, Italy and he was buried beneath the high altar there in the same tomb as Saint Scholastica.​

Our EmblemSt Benedicts logo clr.jpg

The rising sun symbolises our journey towards God and reminds us of our origins with the Petrie Parish which shares a similar symbol. Our school is now part of the St Benedict’s Catholic Parish, North Lakes, Mango Hill and Griffin.

The four large letters at the angles of the Cross (CSPB) stand for Crux, Sancti, Patris, Benedicti, the Cross of the Holy Father Benedict.

​​The coloured ground leads the followers to Christ and also symbolises the links to the local geography with green fields, water flowing through the site from rain and leading to the waters of Moreton Bay.

Our Motto

Our school motto, Walk in God’s Ways challenges our community to actively engage with Jesus’ message as a model for living.

The Rule of Saint Benedict has, for centuries, been the guide of religious communities. Saint Benedict’s rules of obedience, humility, and contemplation are not only prerequisites for formal religious societies; they also provide an in​valuable model for anyone desiring to live more simply. They provide guidance and inspiration for anyone seeking ​peace and fulfilment in their home and work communities and present a contemporary model for living with issues facing us now ~ stewardship, relationships, authority, community, balance, work, simplicity and prayer. Benedict taught moderation in all things; the dignity of work; drawing closer to God through the renewal of the mind, placing a strong emphasis on learning and scholastic disciplines.​

​At St Benedict’s, in keeping with our motto Walk Poster Final for web.jpg Walk in God’s Ways, we expect all members of our school community to WALK together in our approach to behaviour education and management. The establishment of our school code of behaviour exemplifies our commitment to the promotion and development of a safe and supportive environment.
  • W We Respect
  • A Act Responsibly
  • L Learn Together
  • K Keep Safe